EU/North America

Cover Shaping the EUs Financial Architecture for the Future

Shaping the EU's Financial Architecture for the Future

Published: 15 July 2024
The European Union faces the enormous challenge of having to achieve the necessary climate targets it has set itself, while at the same time increasing industrial competitiveness and ensuring public services of general interest. A sustainable European financial architecture based on three pillars is needed to finance these green-social investments at EU level. It is presented in this policy paper.
Cover: Democratic Corrosion at the Heart of Europe

Democratic Corrosion at the Heart of Europe

Published: 23 January 2024
The Covid-19 pandemic crystalized the myriad challenges facing the modern world like few crises before it. Its impacts were so far reaching, its insights so diverse, that even the metaphors created to understand it spun off their own field of study.
Cover: Policy Paper - Mobility Data for a Just Transition

Mobility Data for a Just Transition:

Published: 13 June 2023
This strategy paper consid­ers possible ways to use mobility data for improving environmental sustainability and equitable access to transportation in Germany.
Cover: Watching the Donors Conference for the People of Turkey and Syria

Watching the Donors Conference for the People of Turkey and Syria

Published: 17 March 2023
Policy Paper
The earthquakes that occurred in Turkey on 6 February 2023 are considered the most devastating earthquakes in recent history. On the occasion of the donor conference for the victims of the Kahramanmaraş earthquakes on 20 March 2023, the policy paper by Onur Bahçecik sheds light on the international response to this catastrophe and in particular addresses the political-economic consequences.
"Clean" Energy Bills for all citizens in the EU

"Clean" Energy Bills for all citizens in the EU

Published: 11 July 2022
Well-designed energy bills are a key tool for consumers in the energy transition. The analysis “‘Clean’ Energy Bills for all citizens in the EU; a subject to an examination” aims at registering the content, structure, and format of the electricity bills in EU27, and examine their contribution to consumers’ empowerment to play an active role in the clean energy transition.
Cover: Nuclear Exnovation

Nuclear Exnovation:

Published: 20 April 2020
This paper explores the interplay of exnovation and innovation within the strategy for ecological modernization. It will argue for a more holistic approach.
Cover E-Paper "European, of course?!"

European, of course!?

Published: 29 July 2020
A clear majority of Germans wish for both an active and a cooperative German presence in the EU. Our study examines the actual outlook of German citizens as well as citizens’ reported priorities for the  German Presidency of the Council of the EU.    

From «Paymaster of Europe» to «Shaper of Europeʼs future»

Published: 21 May 2019
Although the European Union is facing enormous political challenges, Germany has shown little initiative in European politics in recent years. Proposed reforms of other member states, such as France, have been mostly opposed on the grounds that «the German taxpayers» must not be even further burdened. This study investigates the factual and popular basis of this narrative.

A Local Turn for European Refugee Politics

Published: 19 March 2019
In this policy paper “A Local Turn for European Refugee Politics” the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung puts forward proposals for a more active role of the municipalities in refugee and asylum policy.