Globalisation and Transformation

Cover Debt Relief by Multilateral Lenders

Debt Relief by Multilateral Lenders

Published: 22 September 2023
As the sovereign debt crisis in the Global South continues to unfold, the lack of involvement of multilateral development banks (MDBs) in debt relief efforts has become a contentious issue among major creditors. This report aims to contribute to the ongoing debate over debt relief negotiations and MDBs and makes policy recommendations how to include MDBs better in debt relief.
Cover - Another lost Decade or a Decade of Action?

Another Lost Decade or a Decade of Action?

Published: 3 May 2023
Policy Brief
Climate-related shocks are becoming more frequent and severe. More than ever, countries must invest in climate resilience and just transitions, but for many emerging market and developing economies, high debt burdens put achieving climate and development goals out of reach. A new policy brief explains the proposal advanced by the Debt Relief for Green and Inclusive Recovery (DRGR) Project.
Borneo, Malaysia - Rice field

Debt Relief for a Green and Inclusive Recovery

Published: 3 May 2023
The report analyzes new data on the level and composition of sovereign debt for emerging markets and developing economies and its relationship to climate vulnerability. It estimates the size of debt restructuring and suspension necessary for countries in or at high risk of debt distress to achieve debt sustainability and put them on a path towards meeting their development goals and climate commitments.
Front Cover of the Publication, a green background

Technical potential & challenges of REnewable hydrogen

Published: 16 December 2022
This report provides the technical background of processes of renewable hydrogen production and its applications in key sectors and discusses factors which will determine the costs reductions for the commercialisation of renewable hydrogen to reach economies of scale.
Cover des Buches Green Hydrogem

Green Hydrogen: Key success criteria for sustainable trade & production

Published: 10 November 2022
Based on national consultations in African and Latin American countries, this report examines benefits and risks for local communities and the envisaged exporting countries located in the Global South. It outlines international policy recommendations for how a human-rights based, equitable, just, and environmentally sound trade should work.
Cover: Green hydrogen – hype or beacon of hope?

Green hydrogen – hype or beacon of hope?

Published: 15 August 2022
In the coming years, the global energy system will have to undergo a profound structural change in order to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius. (Green) hydrogen will play an important role in this. This publication provides an easy-to-understand introduction to the topic. It informs about trends in the production and use of hydrogen and the potential challenges.
Cover Pastoralismus und Großprojekte für erneuerbare Energien und grünen Wasserstoff

Pastoralism and large-scale REnewable energy and green hydrogen projects

Published: 18 May 2022
Large-scale renewable energy projects are being developed in the drylands of Africa, Asia and Latina America without adequate consultation with pastoralists that have been using the land for grazing their livestock since time memorial. This joint report by the Heinrich Böll Foundation and Bread for the World examines evidence from existing large-scale projects and derives recommendations.
Cover The Beijing-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank

The Beijing-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank

Published: 22 October 2021
The business of the AIIB is the financing of large infrastructure projects such as power plants, dams and transport routes. Such investments are inherently associated with high environmental and social risks, as well as corruption and high levels of debt. This study provides an overview of the institution's close alignment with China and its transparency and information disclosure rules.