(Right-wing) Populism

Engaging with (right-wing) populism provides insights into political movements that rely on simplified solutions for complex issues. This helps us understand the reasons behind the growth of populist movements and develop strategies to promote democracy, diversity, and political stability.

Here you will find current articles, publications, and thematic focuses on (right-wing) populism.

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Recent Articles on Populism

Thematic Focuses on Populism

People walk under the rainbow flag

Queer Feminist Perspectives on Political Homophobia and Anti-Feminism

Publications on Populism

Cover Companion to Democracy #2

Populism, Nationalism and Illiberalism

A decline in democratic quality can be observed worldwide. The terms populism, nationalism, illiberalism, and authoritarianism are omnipresent in attempts to explain and describe this development. The e-paper examines overlaps, differences and their relationship to one another, highlights global and regional trends of autocratization and highlights the consequences of this development for civil society in the affected countries.