

Pakistan: Reality, Denial and the Complexity of its State

Published: 28 December 2009
Publication Series on Democracy 16: This publication is designed to provide a differentiated view of Pakistan’s complex political processes and social challenges to a broad international audience. Authors from a variety of disciplines present their analyses of Pakistan’s deficits and shortcomings, as well as their ideas and visions for a more democratic and peaceful future.

In Search of Aluminum: China's Role in the Mekong Region

Published: 18 December 2009
This study provides an overview of bauxite mining – the chief material used in the production of aluminum – in three key locations in Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam and takes a deeper look at China’s role in this context. The study also examines the regional linkages behind bauxite mining decision-making in the three Mekong countries and unpacks the degree to which environmental and social considerations have been taken into account in the decision-making process.

Afghanistan’s Parliament in the Making

Published: 29 June 2009
The involvement of women in Afghanistan’s public life is decreasing. Attacks, vigilantism, and legal processes that contradict the basic principles of human and women’s rights are the order of the day. This book, based on interviews of male and female members of parliament, examines the realities of parliamentary work in Afghanistan.

The Heinrich Böll Foundation in Southeast Asia

Published: 6 November 2008
The Southeast Asia Regional Office of the Heinrich Böll Foundation in Chiang Mai and the Cambodia Country Office Phnom Penh present their current programme in a new brochure.


Published: 1 November 2006
Publication Series on Democracy 1: This publication examines critically the current political and social situation in Afghanistan, as well as the project activities of the Heinrich Böll Foundation in the country.

International Assistance and Governance in Afghanistan

Published: 9 June 2007
Publication Series ond Democracy 2: Afghanistan in 2006 faced an acute crisis, which can only be solved by a long-term commitment to improved governance. An assistance framework presents opportunities, but requires further elaboration.