International Agricultural Policy

Cover with a red background. Title: Buffer Stocks against Inflation - Public Food Stocks for Price Stabilization and their Contribution to the Transformation of Food Systems

Buffer Stocks against Inflation

Published: 18 June 2024
Policy Paper
The build-up of national, regional and global public buffer stocks for food can help stabilise prices on global agricultural markets and limit inflation. 
Cover: Power Poverty Hunger

Power Poverty Hunger

Published: 7 September 2021
It is possible to create sustainable, just and healthy food systems. For this to happen, it is key to strengthen political structures that truly focus on the right to food, on healthy nutrition, and on protecting biodiversity and the climate.
Cover Meat Atlas. A plate with pieces of meat in the form of a map of the world.

Meat Atlas 2021

Published: 7 September 2021
There is hardly any other food that pollutes our environment and the climate as badly as meat. However, no government in the world currently has a concept of how meat consumption and production can be significantly reduced.
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Cover: Insect Atlas 2020

Insect Atlas 2020

Published: 27 May 2020
The Insect Atlas provides Data and facts about beneficial and harmful insects in agriculture, formulates criticism of the overly hesitant policy and names the urgently needed steps to protect insects.
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Agriculture Atlas - Facts and figures on EU farming policy

Published: 14 May 2019
The European edition of this atlas combines elements from various already published national editions, giving both an overview of Europe as a whole as well as insights into the agricultural structures in various EU member states. This atlas aims to strengthen civil society and social movements throughout the continent, thereby advancing the ecological and social transformation in our agricultural and food systems.

Forcing The Farm

Published: 16 October 2018
This report is being issued as  an alert to governments, civil society organisations and grassroots movements. It points to how gene drives, while promoted as a tool for medicine and conservation, will find their real use in food and farming by agribusiness.
Cover Factsheet: Die XXL-Klimabilanz der Fleisch- und Milchgiganten (PDF-Download)

Fact sheet: Big meat and dairy's supersized climate footprint

Published: 3 November 2017
The top 20 meat and dairy corporations emit more greenhouse gases (GHGs) than Germany. Business as usual growth of meat and diary production makes the Paris Agreement impossible and climate catastrophe inevitable. Our Fact Sheet shows the data and possible solutions.