Ecology & Sustainability

Green Solutions to the Auto Crisis

Published: 11 November 2009
The current automotive crisis is not merely the result of an economic downturn, but has revealed structural flaws within the industry itself. This strategy paper analyzes the current crisis and outlines a vision of the “mobility products of the future”.

Toward a Transatlantic Green New Deal

Published: 1 May 2009
Publication Series on Ecology 3: There is growing recognition of the imperative to address the economic and environmental crises together rather than separately. This means that the solution to current economic problems lies not in pushing “shovel-ready” programs like more road building or in simply restarting the engine of consumption, but rather in laying the foundations for a fundamental green transformation.

Bali, Poznan, Copenhagen - Triple Jump Towards a New Quality of Climate Policy?

Published: 20 August 2008
Following the Bali conference, the climate negotiations are going into marathon mode. Never before have such complex negotiations had to be coped with in such a short time. But the challenge is urgent: we must succeed in stopping the rapid grow of greenhouse gas emissions within the next 10 years and then begin a rapid decrease.