Ecology & Sustainability

New Economy of Nature

Published: 9 May 2014
Publication Series on Ecology 35: From climate change to ecosystem degradation – the solution to these problems could reside in an economic “valuation” of nature and its services. But can that really give nature any better protection? This publication provides a readily understandable introduction to the subject and illuminates the concepts and instruments that follow from the idea of monetarizing nature.

A soiled reputation. Adverse impacts of mineral fertilizers in tropical agriculture

Published: 22 May 2013
Mineral fertilizers have never been used as much as they are today, and in developing countries they are experiencing a renaissance. But the efficacy of mineral fertilizers and the problems they entail have long been a matter of contention. This study provides an overview of the economic and ecological potential as well as the limitations and negative impacts of mineral fertilizers in the tropics and subtropics.

Green Growth Unravelled

Published: 23 October 2012
The concept of ‘green growth’ rests on the idea of an ‘efficiency revolution’ – climate-friendly technologies, sustainable industrial and transport sectors, and an efficient use of resources. But while vast productivity increases do indeed incentivize a more efficient use of energy, they raise demand at the same time. This paper explores the range of possible rebound effects, their quantitative extent and the difficulties encountered by political efforts to contain them.

The German Raw Material Strategy: Taking Stock

Published: 11 November 2013
Nearly two years after the German Government’s raw materials strategy was first published in October 2010, the present paper takes stock of how individual core elements of the raw materials strategy have been put into practice, with a focus on the promotion of foreign trade and on development cooperation.

Manual on Environment

Published: 10 July 2012
The aim of publishing the manual on environment is raising public awareness on environment and its protection measures.

Critique of the Green Economy - Toward Social and Environmental Equity

Published: 13 June 2012
Publication Series on Ecology 22: The idea of growth as the way to end poverty and escape economic and financial crisis remains largely undisputed and is currently reflected in the concept of the green economy. But not everything that is “green” and efficient is also environmentally sustainable and socially equitable. This essay outlines a policy of less, of wealth in moderation, to enable the Earth’s resources to make a life of dignity and without need possible for all.

Buen Vivir - A short introduction

Published: 25 June 2011
Publication Series on Ecology 17: A short introduction to new concepts for a good life in South America and to nature's rights by Thomas Fatheuer.