Press & Media Freedom in Europe

A free, independent press and a vibrant, diverse media landscape form the backbone of a liberal democracy. However, these cornerstones of democratic order are increasingly under pressure, particularly in Europe and the EU.

This reader brings together articles on press freedom and media independence, the outcomes of the European Democracy Conference 2022, and activities of our European Media Fellows 2023.

Articles on Press and Media Freedom


Podcast on Media Freedom in Europe (German)

European Democracy Conference 2022 on Press & Media Freedom

The European Democracy Conference is an annual international conference on Europe held in Berlin. In 2022, the 14th edition focused on the question of how we can actively and decisively counter the advancing decay of free reporting. ➤ Check out the Conference Programme for 2022.

Video recording (German)

Watch the keynote speech and panel discussion of the 2022 conference featuring:

  • Matthew Caruana Galizia, Director, Daphne Caruana Galizia Foundation, Valletta
  • Katrin Göring-Eckardt, Vice President of the Bundestag, Bündnis 90/Grüne, Berlin
  • Jan Philipp Albrecht, President of the Heinrich Böll Foundation, Berlin
  • Maria Kurinna, Press Freedom Activist, ZMINA, Warsaw
  • Christian Mihr, Executive Director of Reporters Without Borders Germany

Presse- und Medienfreiheit unter Druck - Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung

video-thumbnail Watch on YouTube

European Media Fellowship 2023

Press Freedom under Pressure

In 2023, the Heinrich Böll Foundation will once again award three European Media Fellowships to journalists, bloggers, and media professionals with the aim of conducting in-depth research on the state of press freedom in the EU and publishing the research findings in three national German media outlets.

Journalists or bloggers who work as freelancers and are interested in reporting on the topic are eligible to apply. The articles or audio contributions should be published in relevant German-language media.

Apply by the 20th of February 2023 (German)