Reinhard Bütikofer
Member of the European Parliament (Greens/EFA)

Reinhard Bütikofer is a Member of the European Parliament (Greens/EFA). He sits on the Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET), where he serves as Greens/EFA foreign affairs spokesperson, and on the Committee on International Trade (INTA) as a substitute member. He is the Chair of the European Parliament’s Delegation for Relations with the People’s Republic of China as well as a member of the Delegation to the United States and a substitute member of the ASEAN Delegation.

From 2012 to 2019 he was co-chair of the European Green Party. Before getting elected to the European Parliament in 2009, Mr. Bütikofer was the Co-Chair of the German Green Party BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN (from 2002 until 2008). He was the party’s Secretary-General from 1998 until 2002. Prior to that, he served as the Chair of the Greens in the Federal State of Baden-Württemberg. From 1988 until 1996 he served as a Member of the Baden-Württemberg State Parliament. His engagement with the German Greens began when he was elected as a member of the city council in Heidelberg in 1984.

Besides his positions in the party and parliament, Mr. Bütikofer is a member of the

Europe/Transatlantic Advisory Board and the General Assembly of the Heinrich Böll Foundation, the NABU Club, the German-Israeli Society, and the German-Chinese Dialogue Forum, as well as the DGAP and the IISS.

Contact: Reinhard Bütkofer MdEP |
