Michael Daxner
Professor of Sociology, Expert on Afghanistan
Porträt Platzhalter

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Michael Daxner is founding member of the Green Academy. He is professor of sociology and president emeritus of the University of Oldenburg, Germany. He researches and teaches about conflicts on the Balkans, in Central Asia and Afghanistan. He has served as Principal International Officer to UNMIK (Ministry of Education and Higher Education) and "Special Counselor" UNMIK Office Belgrade 2000-2002. He is specialist on Jewish Studies and Conflict Theory. Daxner is member of the Green Academy, the Berghof Centre and the council of Marburg University.

New text:
Homeland Discourse - The German Case. Working Paper, U Stuttgart IRWP 2013/1
Afghanistan Endgame. CAS Univ. Leipzig. Working Paper series #3 (2013)
Michael Daxner, Urs Schrade: Higher Education in Afghanistan. SFB 700 Working Papers #63, (2013)
Veteranen. Wissenschaft und Frieden 4/2014

New book:
Michael Daxner (Ed.): Deutschland in Afghanistan. BIS Verlag Oldenburg 2014.
