Mareike Bödefeld
Senior Programme Officer Latin America
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Mareike Bödefeld studied Regional Studies Latin America (B.A.) at the University of Cologne and Universidad de Antioquia in Medellín, Colombia as well as Peace and Conflict Studies (M.A.) at Philipps University Marburg. She has additional qualifications as an international trial observer from the Research and Documentation Center for War Crimes Trials, has completed various courses on dealing with the past, conflict transformation and mediation and as a project manager issued by the Society for Sustainable Development Witzenhausen.

After several stays in Latin America (including Guatemala, Colombia and Brazil) and professional activities for, among others, GIZ, Engagement Global, Protection International and a foreign representative of the Foreign Office, she worked as a project manager until mid-March 2024 and is now a consultant in the Latin America department of the Heinrich- Böll Foundation.

Latin America Department of the Heinrich Böll Foundation