Eugen Jakovčić

Journalist, human rights activist, media coordinator for Documenta – Centre for Dealing with the Past.

During the 90s, he founded an independent media TV project in Split in opposition to the general media censorship carried out by the ruling HDZ (Croatian Democratic Union). He hosted more than 400 episodes and his guests included human rights activists, politicians from the opposition, independent journalists and intellectuals from the former Yugoslavia. At the beginning of 2000 he was awarded “Best Production of a TV Show” by the Croatian Journalists’ Association.

He worked as a journalist for the newspaper Slobodna Dalmacija, as well as the Croatian Radiotelevision (HRT).

He has been working as a media coordinator for Documenta since 2009, actively participating in regional initiatives connected to dealing with the past.

He has coordinated the following media campaigns: the regional initiative for the foundation of RECOM (Regional Commission for the Establishment of Facts about War Crimes in the Former Yugoslavia), Documenta’s campaign for the rights of civilian war victims: The Victims Have Waited for Too Long, the anti-discriminatory campaigns organised by the civil society initiatives of the Platform 112 – for Croatia Governed by the Rule of Law entitled Croatia for All of Us and Citizens Vote No in the marriage referendum.
