Bega Tesch
Project Officer Latin America Division
Bega Tesch

Bega Tesch studied Translation Studies in Heidelberg and then completed a Master's degree in Interdisciplinary Latin American Studies at the Freien Universität Berlin. She then completed a second Master's degree in Political Science, also at the FU Berlin.

During her studies, she spent several longer stays in Brazil, including at the Universidade de São Paulo (USP) and the Goethe-Institut Salvador da Bahia. She gained practical experience in development cooperation at GIZ and Forum Fairer Handel e.V.. She was also part of the coordination team of an international graduate program at the Institute for Latin American Studies at the FU Berlin.

Since December 2023, she has been working as a project officer in the Latin America department of the Heinrich Böll Foundation, where she is mainly responsible for the countries of the Cono Sur.


T 030-285 34 333