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Petra Kelly - Curriculum Vitae

Reading time: 2 minutes

1947 - Petra Karin Kelly is born in Günzberg

1959 -The Kelly family moves to the USA

1966 - Kelly studies political science at the American University in Washington D.C. – she graduates from the European Institute of the University of Amsterdam in 1971

1970 - Kelly’s sister Grace dies of cancer at the age of 10

1972 - Kelly becomes involved in the German Association of Citizens’ Initiatives for Environmental Protection

1973 - Petra Kelly founds the "Grace Kelly Association for the Support of Cancer Research for Children" (registered association)

1975 - Kelly is a speaker at the first demonstration against the "fast-breeding" nuclear reactor in Kalkar

1976 - Travels to Hiroshima and Nagasaki

1977 - Lecture trip upon the invitation of the Australian anti-uranium movement

1979 - Petra Kelly is the leading candidate of the Greens for European elections

1980 - Kelly is elected to the speaker’s body of the first national executive committee of the Green Party – she participates in the first forum: "Krefeld Appeal: Nuclear Death Threatens Us All"

1981 - Kelly speaks at the peace movement’s first major rally in Bonn

1982 - Petra Kelly is awarded the Alternative Nobel Prize

1983 - The Greens are elected to the Bundestag, the German parliament, and Petra Kelly becomes its parliamentary group’s speaker – she participates in the protest action "Swords to Plowshares" on Alexanderplatz in East Berlin

1987 - Kelly is reelected to the German Bundestag – she participates in the international forum "For a Nuclear-free World" in Moscow, meeting with Andrey Sakharov and Yelena Bonner – the Bundestag unanimously approves a resolution proposed by Petra Kelly on human rights violations in Tibet

1990 - The West German Greens are unsuccessful in the first Bundestag elections of unified Germany

1991 - At the party conference in Neumünster, Petra Kelly receives only a few votes for her candidacy for the national executive board of the Greens

1992 - Kelly moderates Fünf vor Zwölf ("Five to Twelve"), a TV feature show on environmental protection

1992 - Sep. Kelly participates in the "World Uranium Hearing" in Salzburg and in the "Global Radiation Victims’ Conference" in Berlin

1992 - Petra Kelly is shot to death by her partner, Gert Bastian