Short Biography: Lepa Mlađenović

Reading time: 2 minutes
Foto: © Biliana Rakočević

December 6, 2012
Feminist activist, feminist counselor working with traumatized women victims of male violence and lesbians.  Feminist activist of the Women in Black Against War, anti-war and anti-fascist group. Facilitator of experience-based workshops for women: on empowerment of activists  in emotional literacy, on multiple discrimination of women, especially lesbians. Editor of two books, on alternatives to psychiatry and violence against women. Author of essays on issues of male violence, feminist lesbian responses to war, women’s solidarity, and a book on emotional literacy (2011). Currently researching lesbian activism during wartimes. Member of international networks on rape in war, male violence, feminist initiatives, lesbian rights, Women in Black (NEWW, WAVE, EWL, LFA, WICZ. WIB).  

violence against women – counseling, facilitating, education

  • 1983 – co-organiser of the international conference Alternatives to Psychiatry, Belgrade
  • 1983 – 1993  Feminist Group Women and Society – co-founder, organizer and facilitator of workshops on violence against women and women’s health issues.
  • 1990 - 1995  SOS Hotline For Women and Children Victims of Violence – co-founder, counselor, coordinator.
  • 1993 – 2011  Autonomous Women’s Center -  co-founder, member of the Coordination Board of the Center, Coordinator of the Counseling Team, Senior Counselor.
  • 1992 – 2012 Educator for feminist counselors working with women traumatized by male violence in Serbia and other countries (Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary, Kyrgyzstan)
  • 2000 – 2012 Facilitator of support groups and workshops for women survivors of male violence

lesbian counseling and activism  

  • 1990 - 1997 Arkadia - Lesbian and Gay group, co-founder and activist
  • 1994 recipient of the Filipa da Souza Award from the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission
  • 1995 - 2011 Labris - Organization for Lesbian Human Rights - activist and lesbian spokesperson
  • 2000 – 2012  Labris, Gayten – facilitator of experience-based workshops for lesbians and friends of the lesbian movement
  • 2012 – Lesbian Counseling SOS Helpline – co-founder and a feminist counselor for lesbians

anti-war and anti-fascist activism

1991 - 2012 Women in Black Against War - Co-founder and activist   
1992 – 2012 Center for Women's Studies Belgrade - lecturer associate     
1991 - 2012 Active participant in international networking on peace, rape in war and transitional justice