Division International Environmental Policy

Climate change, biodiversity loss, plastic pollution: We are working on the major environmental crises of our time and are arguing for a socio-ecological transformation based on climate and resource justice. This requires a very rapid exit from coal, oil and gas, an end to the exploitation of nature and man and a critical and precautionary use of technologies.


50 Years of International Environmental Policy

Clouds - IPCC

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) - 6th Assessment Report

Gelb-Grünes Titelbild von Exit plastic. Mit lila Schrift steht groß exit plastic auf grün-gelbem Hintergrund.

#exitplastic Now!

The manifesto for social and structural changes to solve the plastics crisis. A civil society call to  #exitplastic. Now!  


There are no events planned at this time.

