Dossier: climate summit COP 21 in Paris

After the failed climate summit in Copenhagen 2009, governments of 196 countries meet again at COP 21 in Paris at the end of November to negotiate a globally binding climate agreement, which is supposed to enter into force after 2020. The goal is to limit the warming of the earth’s climate to 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. Important issues among others are the financing of necessary measures and the equitable sharing of burdens, responsibilities and advantages among the countries. Facing the already tangible impacts of climate change, it is also important to develop a compensation mechanism for climate change losses and damages and to address the question of responsibility. In this ongoing dossier we pick up these and other aspects and complement them with regional analyses from our international offices.

The Paris agreement

Ralf Fücks and Barbara Unmüßig on the conclusion of the negotiations:

"Less than required, more than expected. It is in our hands whether the Paris Climate Treaty will become a historic turning point. Now, the EU has to amend its less than ambitious 2020 / 2030 climate goals, and the German government push ahead with the phase-out of coal. Poor developing countries will need technological and financial support for the transition into a fossil-free future - and climate protection, the fight against poverty, and economic development will have to go hand in hand."

The full text of the Paris Agreement can be found here.


Today, everybody is aware of how much the earth’s climate is changing. We are campaigning for a global climate treaty that is to be overseen by the United Nations. At the same time, we are involved in efforts towards climate change mitigation, the financing thereof, and that the consequent burden be shared in an equitable manner on the local, national, and regional levels – the whole world over.

With this website, we would like to take a critical look at the German federal government’s international climate change financing and help increase its transparency.

Regional Perspectives


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Big Oil, Gas & Coal

Big Oil, Coal and Gas Producers Paying for their Climate Damage

The Climate Justice Programme (CJP) and the Heinrich Böll Foundation are proposing a new and innovative source of finance: a fossil fuel extraction levy paid by those 90 entities responsible for two-thirds of global carbon emissions. The third and updated edition of the Carbon Majors report, now titled "Big Oil, Coal and Gas Producers paying for their Climate Damage".

Climate Finance


Energy transition