International Conference: Ukraine, Russia and the EU

Ukraine, Russia and the EU: Europe one year after the annexation of Crimea - Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung

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One year after the annexation of Crimea, an international conference held at the Heinrich-Böll-Foundation in Berlin on March 2 offered European and US experts the opportunity to analyse and discuss Europe’s response to Russia’s intervention in Ukraine. How do we view this conflict? What can be done in order to support Ukraine on its rocky path towards Europe? What are the EU’s policy options towards Russia? We will also focus on domestic developments in Ukraine one year after Yanukovych fled Kiev: What progress has been made towards political and economic renewal? And what is the import of Ukraine’s reform movement for Europe and Russia? (You can change the video by clicking on the playlist-menu in the upper left corner)


Audio Recordings of the Conference

Keynote Timothy Snyder on Ukraine, Russia and EU

Timothy Snyder, Professor für Geschichte, Yale University

Panel: Timothy Snyder, Bernard Kouchner, Michajlo Minakow, Lilija Schewzowa, Ralf Fücks

In einer anderen Welt Was auf dem Spiel steht und weshalb die Aggression gegen die Ukraine ein Angriff auf Europa ist. Über die Motive der Krim-Annexion im März 2014 und die Herausforderung, die Russlands Politik für Europa und die EU darstellt. Timothy Snyder – Professor für Geschichte, Yale University

Pictures of the conference

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International Politics

After the end of the cold war foreign and security policies have been subject to rapid change. This development has been further accelerated after September 11. Traditional security policies such as deterrence and containment have been replaced by risk prevention, crisis intervention, and preemptive policy measures. Increasingly questions of foreign, security, and developmental policy have become intertwined. The debates surrounding the war on Iraq have brought to the surface tensions between the USA and Europe – as well as within Europe itself. Against this background we would like to continue the debates on the future of transatlantic relations - and this against the background of new security policy risks, crisis prevention, and preemptive policies.