Cambodia: Stolen land, stolen elections?

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Decades after the Khmer Rouge’s reign and after the end of the civil war in the 1990s, Cambodia is governed today by political elite that is criticized by international observers as being authoritarian and corrupt. State institutions and private investors are driving the exploitation of rural resources, which is accompanied by massive human rights violations, especially in regard to Cambodia’s indigenous population. Given the lack of rule of law and legal certainty, the parliamentary elections are hardly expected to be free and fair this year.

The National Electoral Commission’s announcement of a victory for Hun Sen and his party, who have been ruling since 1985, is being rejected by the opposition parties on grounds of suspected widespread voter fraud.

Our updated dossier analyzes the preliminary results of this year’s election and seeks, through a series of interviews, film contributions and studies, a critical examination of Cambodia’s development. In the process, we give representatives from Cambodian and German civil society and politics a chance to speak and also ask how responsible German and European policies towards Cambodia could look like, including what role should be allocated to Germany’s heavily criticized development cooperation in Cambodia. At the end of August, in advance of the negotiations between the German and Cambodian governments, an article on the official development cooperation with Cambodia will be released.

Elections in Cambodia 2013

Increasing women’s political representation and participation in Cambodia through the implementation of gender quotas

The overarching objective of this paper is to provide recommendations for the implementation of gender quotas in Cambodia. The paper first considers why it is important to achieve gender equality in politics, and asks eight individuals, who are working in Cambodia to promote the role of women in politics, why they think it is necessary for women to be represented in politics.

Land Grabbing and Eviction in Cambodia

A Human Rights Approach to Development of Cambodia's Land Sector

Despite the tens of millions of dollars in aid and concessional loans being spent in Cambodia, the evidence shows that tenure insecurity, forced evictions and large-scale land grabbing are escalating to alarminglevels. The paper calls on development partners to adopt a ten-pronged framework for a human rights approach to development.

Video: Cambodia for Sale (2009, Khmer/engl.)

Film: Cambodia for Sale - Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung

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Video: Empowering Women Over Cambodia´s Airwaves

Empowering Women Over Cambodia´s Airwaves (Ian White, 2008) - Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung

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Women in Politics in Cambodia

Research Papers

In Search of Aluminum

This study aims to provide a brief overview of bauxite mining in three key locations in Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam. It takes a deeper look into the role that China is playing in investing in bauxite mining and regional infrastructure to strategically position the country as the main market for bauxite, alumina and aluminum from these three countries.

Donor Playground Cambodia?

This paper is confrontational and challenges many deep assumptions in mainstream development. It argues that from the early 1990s in many ways Cambodia became a ‘donor playground’. It supports this argument by reference to various arguments in development studies, to a specific case study of intervention in Cambodia, and to an examination of important parts of the relevant donor ‘knowledge production’.