Anne Klein Women’s Award – Nomination and Award Criteria

Criteria for nomination

Candidates nominated for the Heinrich Böll Foundation’s Anne Klein Women’s Award should be politically active members of civil society – women who, as role models, encourage women and girls to act in gender-democratic ways. Their engagement and commitment to women’s and girls’ causes should be outstanding, especially towards

  • making gender democracy a reality
  • abolishing discrimination based on gender or gender identity
  • political commitment for women’s, human, and civil rights
  • the promotion of women and girls in science and research.

A woman merits nomination if she has courageously and persistently pioneered changes in society, and if, in her work, she has shown moral courage and frequently taken a stand. Her political commitment should be informed by a strategic perspective. The award can go to women within Germany and abroad.

For the Heinrich Böll Foundation the award is a political statement, as it is intended to further the feminist and women’s causes promoted by the awardees through publicity, financial support, and political recognition.

Award criteria

Nominations can be submitted by individuals and organisations; it is not possible to nominate one’s self, nor can members of the jury be nominated. From the list of nominees the five member jury will select a winner.

We would like to invite you to recommend, in the spirit of Anne Klein, worthy candidates and are looking forward to your suggestions.

To recommend a possible candidate for the Anne Klein Women’s Award please contact us via mail or e-mail. Please introduce on a max. of three A4-size pages the person suggested and explain why she is worthy of winning the Anne Klein Women’s Award.

The jury members of the Anne Klein Women’s Award are:

Dr. Imme Scholz, Chairman of the Heinrich Böll Foundation, Chairwoman of the Jury

Renate Künast, Member of the German Parliament, Bündnis90/Die Grünen

Sylvia Löhrmann, Minister of State (ret.)

Prof. Dr. Michaele Schreyer, former Vice President of the European Movement Germany

Jutta Wagner, lawyer, former President of the German Women Lawyers' Association


Ulrike Cichon


phone: +49 (0)30 285 34-112

If you would like to support the causes embraced by the Anne Klein Women’s Award, please make your donations payable to:

Bank für Sozialwirtschaft


IBAN: DE15 3702 0500 0003 0767 02

In the subject line put: “Anne Klein”