9th European History Forum: Hidden Remembrance?

Women in World War II in Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe - Role models, experience of violence, taboos

In May 2020 the 9th European History Forum took place as a fishbowl talk on the internet. The conference was dedicated to the topic "Hidden Memory? Women in the Second World War in Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe. Role models, experiences of violence, taboos".


Unknown partisan, by Adela Jusič

After the 2nd World War partisans* whose names were not known were buried under gravestones in Yugoslavia. Instead of a name only the words "Unknown partisan" were engraved.

The artist created a replica of such a gravestone with words: Unknown partisan and placed it in the park in the centre of Sarajevo. To date, no municipal authorities or media have paid attention to the gravestone. It is still in the same place.

Unknown Partisan Woman - adela jusic

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Conference documentation

Conference recording

Panel 1: Women in World War II: Emancipation through (self)mobilization?

9th European History Forum - Fishbowl-Discussion 1 - Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung

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Panel 2: Experiences of violence: Between dealing with the past and tabooization

9th European History Forum as interactive fishbowl discussion in the internet - PANEL 2 - Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung

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Conference Archive

About the "European History Forum"

The initiative "European History Forum", jointly launched by the Heinrich Böll Foundation and its Russian partner, the Academic Information Centre Memorial, aims to give young historians, museum staff, media and non-governmental organisations from Eastern, South-Eastern and Western Europe in particular the opportunity for exchange. In this way, a pan-European discourse on cultures of remembrance and politics of history is to be promoted. At the same time, the forum is aimed at all those who, professionally, voluntarily or privately, critically deal with the history of the 20th century and its mediation.

In Kooperation mit Memorial.