
Perspectives Südosteuropa #10: Grüner Wandel und soziale (Un)Gerechtigkeit

Dezember 2021
Herausgegeben von
Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Büro Sarajevo (Bosnia und Herzegovina, North-Macedonia) Büro Belgrade (Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo)
Sprache der Publikation


just transition in unjust societies

Srđan Dvornik

are our societies ready?

dismantling monopolies in the green transition

Majda Ibraković

prospects for independent action in the Western Balkans’ energy transition

Pippa Gallop

just green transition challenges

Samir Lemeš

social peace or social justice for victims of green transition?

Kristina Cvejanov

just energy transition

Diana Milev Čavor

political challenges

first we need trust for justice to be “just”:

a view on energy transition from the coal-impacted community of Lazarevac, Serbia

Maja Pupovac

decarbonisation of the region – a sustainable and just energy transition

Viktor Berishaj

how to restore social well-being and whether decarbonized energy is possible in the Western Balkans

Nataša Kovačević

eternal ramble – two faces of energy policy in Serbia

Jovan Rajić

green transition and citizens’ action

from zero to 10 000 protesters, or how the living environment became topic number one in Serbia

Milja Vuković, Radovan Božović

Montenegro - challenges on the path to democracy development

Nina Milić

the social impact of hydropower on affected communities

Rea Nepravishta

the energy and environmental potential of the Komarnica river

Vuk Iković

energy cooperatives – a new-old form of organization for a democratic and fair energy sector in Serbia

Predrag Momčilović

green transition in the global framework

just (another) transition?

the limitations and opportunities of just ecological transition on the European semi-periphery

Vedran Horvat

populism and ecology. on the possibility of ecology becoming a politically relevant topic

Mariglen Demiri

the anti-environmentalism of capitalism as the dominant system of contemporary production of social life

Vladimir Lay

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