Conference: Radius of Art - Creative politicisation of the public sphere

Reading time: 2 minutes

Conference documentation: radius of art: Creative politicisation of the public sphere - Cultural potentials for social transformation

Workshop-Impression auf der Konferenz "radius of art", Bild: Stephan Röhl Lizenz: Creative Commons BY-SA 2.0
The conference was designed to contribute to the international discussion around the effects art and culture have on socio-ecological transformation toward cultures of sustainability, in particular on democratisation processes and forms of political participation and social empowerment, political awareness-raising and the forming of public opinion. The conference also offered an international dialogue and exchange of ideas and experiences between key actors within the cultural, academic , and political sectors. Another aim was to analyse the basic stipulations set for the realization of projects in the above-listed fields, to examine the structural frameworks that govern them, and to introduce new concepts for sponsoring and finance structures.

» Conference Website: »radius of art«

» Introduction: Conference radius of art  - Creative politicisation of the public sphere - Cultural potentials for social transformation, 8th-9th February 2012

» Short Biographies

Video: Conference-Playlist

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Audio Recordings: Conference: "radius of art"

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