The Carbon Levy Declaration

Reading time: 4 minutes
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Surface mining in Garzweiler

The Carbon Levy Project is working to introduce a global fossil fuel extraction levy to ensure that the people facing the worst impacts of climate change are compensated by those that caused the problem. In Paris, the Carbon Levy Declaration has been signed by many supporters from around the world, among them Barbara Unmüßig.

The Paris climate summit was an opportunity for countries to acknowledge the seriousness of climate change and the need to urgently decarbonise our economies. However the Paris agreement will not be enough to stop climate change impacting the most vulnerable communities. Its impact is already being felt in all corners of the globe. Vulnerable communities on the frontline of climate change are already suffering worse droughts, more intense storms, and their homes are already being encroached upon by rising sea levels.  They are already suffering loss and damage from climate change.

Leaving Paris we will push for more ambitious climate action, and to ensure that the most vulnerable are supported in facing the worst impacts of climate change – a problem they had no part in creating.

The industry that is most responsible for climate change is the fossil fuel industry – responsible for roughly 70 percent of greenhouse gas emissions. The fossil fuel industry is responsible not only for the majority of carbon emissions but also for the delay in dealing with the problem. They have known about climate change for decades, yet have funded climate denialists and have subverted political processes aimed at fighting the problem. International law – and basic fairness – say that the fossil fuel industry should pay for the loss and damage that their product is causing.

We will therefore work to introduce a global fossil fuel extraction levy (the Carbon Levy) to ensure that the people facing the worst impacts of climate change are compensated by those that caused the problem.

We support work by allies on legal strategies to bring the fossil fuel industry to account for the damage their product is causing.  And it is crucial to ensure that fossil fuels are phased out and replaced by renewable energy by mid century.

We encourage you to join us.

  • Ronny Jumeau, Ambassador for Climate Change and Small Island Developing State Issues, Seychelles
  • Naomi Klein, author of This Changes Everything, United States
  • Bill McKibben, Founder,, United States
  • Jagoda Munic, President, Friends of the Earth International, Croatia
  • Mithika Mwenda, Secretary General, Pan African Climate Justice Alliance, Kenya
  • Wael Hmaidan, Director, CAN International, Lebanon
  • Antonio Hill, Director, Global Call for Climate Action, Columbia
  • Samantha Smith, Leader WWF Global Climate & Energy Initiative, WWF International
  • Kumi Naidoo, Executive Director, Greenpeace International, South Africa
  • Dr Saleemul Huq, Director of the International Centre for Climate Change & Development (ICCCAD), Bangladesh
  • Tony Oposa, the Philippines
  • Yeb Sano, the Philippines
  • Monica Araya, Founder & Executive Director, Nivela, Costa Rica
  • Nnimmo Bassey, Right Livelihood Award Winner, Nigeria
  • Dr Naomi Oreskes, Professor of History and Science Study, Harvard University and author of Merchants of Doubt, United States
  • Richard Heede, Director of Climate Accountability Institute, United States
  • Stephen Leonard, President, Climate Justice Programme, Australia
  • Barbara Unmüßig, President, Heinrich Boell Foundation, Germany
  • Stephen Kretzmann, Executive Director, Oil Change International, United States
  • Patti Lynn, Executive Director, Corporate Accountability International
  • Pat Mooney, Executive Director, ETC Group, Canada
  • Johanna Nyman, President, European Youth Forum, European Region
  • Kiki Wood, National Director, Canadian Youth Climate Coalition, Canada
  • Adam Hasz, Executive Coordinator, SustainUS: U.S. Youth for Justice & Sustainability
  • Professor Paul R. Ehrlich, President, Center for Conservation Biology, Stanford University, United States
  • Jenny Goldie, President, Climate Action Monaro, Australia
  • Tom Athanasiou, Director, EcoEquity, United States
  • Vanda Altarelli, Founder and President, SONIA for a Just New World, Italy
  • Jessica Clogg, Executive Director & Senior Counsel, West Coast Environmental Law Association, Canada
  • Mark Wakeham, CEO, Environment Victoria, Australia
  • Mark Mulholland, Chair, P3 Foundation, New Zealand
  • David Tong, Co-Chair, Aotearoa New Zealand Human Rights Lawyers Association, New Zealand
  • Rehana Dada, South Africa
  • Arnaud Zacharie, Director, CNCD-11.11.11, Belgium
  • Catherine Gauthier, Présidente, ENvironnement JEUnesse, Canada
  • Natalie Eggermont, President, Climate Express, Belgium
  • Diane Beckett, Interim Executive Director, Sierra Club Canada Foundation, Canada
  • Sanjeev Kumar, CEO & Founding Director, Change Partnership, International
  • John E Bonine, Board Chair, Environment-People-Law, Ukraine
  • Brian Bond cfc, Executive Director, Edmund Rice International
  • Catherine McCahill sgs, Sisters of the Good Samaritan
  • Father Claude Mostowik msc, President, Pax Christi Australia and Director, Missionaries of the Sacred Heart, Justice and Peace Centre (Australian Province)
  • Jan Barnett rsj, Josephite Justice Co-ordinator, Sisters of St Joseph of the
  •  Sacred Heart
  • Dr. Monica Verbeek, Executive Director, Seas at Risk, Belgium
  • Jill Finnane, Coordinator, Pacific Calling Partnership, Australia
  • Phil Glendenning, Director, Edmund Rice Centre, Australia
  • Mary Walsh, Advocacy Officer, Society Presentation Sisters, Australia